
This document provides detailed technical information about the Rate query API offered by TMSS 2.0 at the request of Federal Civilian Agencies. These services make use of industry standard methods for API authentication and connectivity, which should make it easier and faster for developers to interface Federal agency with TMSS 2.0. This API can be used to retrieve shipment cost for a regular Household Goods (HHG) shipment or for an Extended Storage (EXSTG) shipment.

Document Overview

This document captures the specifications for the TMSS 2.0 Rate Query API to be consumed by Federal agency customers.

This document is organized by the following major sections:

  • Getting Started
  • API Description
  • API Specification File
  • HTTP Response Codes
  • Feedback

Getting Started

To begin using this API, you will need to register for an API Key. You can sign up for an API key below. After registration, you will need to provide this API key in the x-api-key HTTP header with every API request.

Loading signup form...

• After registering for the API Key, you will need to send an email to requesting the Agency Token (x-agency-token). You must also attach to that email a completed copy of the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU). Click here to download the MOU template.

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API Description

This API has one primary endpoint and an optional endpoint:

Every API request must have the API key in the x-api-key and Agency Token in the x-agency-token (only for the primary endpoint) of HTTP header with every API request.

HTTP Header Name Description Notes
x-api-key API key from For testing purposes, you can use DEMO_KEY as an API key. For both Primary and Optional endpoints
x-agency-token Agency Token provided by the ERRC team. Only for Primary endpoint

Primary Endpoint:

API Method: POST

Description This API can be used to retrieve shipment cost for a regular Household Goods (HHG) shipment or for an Extended Storage (EXSTG) shipment.

Request: All request payloads for ptimary endpoint must be in JSON data structure specified in the Data dictionary section of this document.

Response: All response must be in JSON data structure specified in the Data dictionary section of this document.

The connection to the API endpoints is secured and authenticated using the registered token provided by the form above.

API Payload Query Parameters

Request Payload Fields Description
agencyLocationCode Customer Location Code
queryType Tpe of Query
pickupDate Pick up/ Move Date
shipmentType Shipment/Rate Type
sroId Shipment / SRO Id
containerizedShipments To pull only Containerized Shipment costs
originCountryCode Pickup/Orgin Country Code
originZip Pickup/ Orgin Zip code
originProvince Pickup/Origin province code if the Origin country is Canada
destinationCountryCode Delivery/Destination Country Code
destinationZip Delivery/Destination Zip code
destinationProvince Delivery/Destinationprovince code if the Destination country is Canada
estimatedWeight Estimated weight of the Shipment
vehicleClass Class of the Vehicle
miles Miles
uabWeight UAB weight in lbs

Expected Response

Response Object Description
agencyLocationCode Customer Location Code
 queryType Type of Query
 pickupDate Pick up/ Move Date
 shipmentType Shipment/Rate Type
 sroId Shipment / SRO Id
 containerizedShipments To pull only Containerized Shipment costs
 vehicleClass Class of the Vehicle
 estimatedWeight Estimated weight of the Shipment
 originZip Pickup/ Orgin Zip code
 originProvince Pickup/Origin province code if the Origin country is Canada
 destinationZip Delivery/Destination Zip code
 destinationProvince Delivery/Destinationprovince code if the Destination country is Canada
 originCountryCode Pickup/Orgin Country Code
 destinationCountryCode Delivery/Destination Country Code
 miles Miles only for USA to Canada
 uabWeight UAB weight in lbs
 rateId Integer
 queryId Integer
 rateType Type of Rate
 scac TSP’s SCAC code
 zefflag Zero Emission Footprint indicator for the TSP
 companyName Name of the TSP
 telephone TSP’s contact phone number
email TSP’s contact email address
 socioEconomicInd TSP’s Socio Economic Indicator
 tender Tender Id used in the selected rate
 csi Customer Satisfaction Index of the TSP
 vi Value Index of the TSP
 surfacePercentage Linehaul Discount applied towards Surface Charge
 surfaceCharge Surface Charge
 uabPercentage UAB discount applied
 uabCharge UAB Cost
 vehicleCharge Vehicle Transporation Cost
 totalCharge Total Transportation Cost
 sitRatePercentage SIT Rate discount applied
accrlRatePercentage Accessorial Rate discount applied
 destThirtyDayCharge Standard SIT cost for 30 days at Destination
 destSixtyDayCharge Standard SIT cost for 60 days at Destination
 destNinetyDayCharge Standard SIT cost for 90 days at Destination
 sitOrigin1stDayCharge SIT cost at Origin for the 1st Day
 sitOriginAddnlDayCharge SIT cost at Origin for each additional day
 sitOriginDlvOutUnder50milesCharge SIT cost at Origin for delivery out under 50 miles
 sitDest1stDayCharge SIT cost at Destination for the 1st Day
 sitDestAddnlDayCharge SIT cost at Destination for each additional day
 sitDestDlvOutUnder50milesCharge SIT cost at Destination for delivery out under 50 miles
 originThirtyDayCharge Standard SIT cost for 30 days at Origin
 originSixtyDayCharge Standard SIT cost for 60 days at Origin
 originNinetyDayCharge Standard SIT cost for 90 days at Origin
 exsPackagingCharge Extended Storage Packing Charge
 exsMonthlyStorageCharge Extended Storage Delivery over 50 miles cost
 exsWarehouseCharge Extended Storage Warehouse Charge
 exsTotal1MonthCharge Extended Storage 1 month Charge
 exsTotal6MonthCharge Extended Storage 6 month Charge
 exsTotal12MonthCharge Extended Storage 12 month Charge
 exsDeliveryWithin50Miles Extended Storage Delivery within 50 miles cost
 exsDeliveryHandlingOut Extended Storage Delivery handling out cost
 exsDeliveryOver50Miles Extended Storage Delivery over 50 miles cost
 exsDiscountApplied Extended Storage Rate discount applied
 rateEffectiveDate Rate Effective Date
 rateExpiryDate Rate Expiry Date

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Sample Request and Response for the primary endpoint:

Request URL:

Request Payload for a HHG Domestic Shipment:

      "agencyLocationCode": 697,
      "vehicleClass":"Class 1",
      "estimatedWeight": 10000,
      "miles": 0,

Response for a HHG Domestic Shipment:

         "agencyLocationCode": 697,  
          "queryType": "HHG",
          "pickupDate": "2020-04-12T00:00:00.000+0000",
          "shipmentType": "General",
          "sroId": "GENRL",
          "containerizedShipments": false,
          "vehicleClass": "Class 1",
          "estimatedWeight": 10000,
          "originZip": "32714",
          "originProvince": null,
          "destinationZip": "23059",
          "destinationProvince": null,
          "originCountryCode": "US00",
          "destinationCountryCode": "US00",
          "miles": 740,
          "uabWeight": 0,
          "rateId": 14486562,
          "queryId": 4944,
          "rateType": "M",
          "scac": "HTSQ",
          "zefflag": false,
          "companyName": "HILLDRUP MOVING &",
          "telephone": "703-221-7155",
          "email": "",
          "socioEconomicInd": null,
          "tender": "HT20",
          "csi": "111.62",
          "vi": "108.4768",
          "surfacePercentage": 43,
          "surfaceCharge": "8562.52",
          "uabPercentage": 0,
          "uabCharge": "0.00",
          "vehicleCharge": "888.00",
          "totalCharge": "9450.52",
          "sitRatePercentage": 56,
          "accrlRatePercentage": 0,
          "destThirtyDayCharge": "4119.36",
          "destSixtyDayCharge": "5110.56",
          "destNinetyDayCharge": "6101.76",
          "sitOrigin1stDayCharge": "784.56",
          "sitOriginAddnlDayCharge": "33.04",
          "sitOriginDlvOutUnder50milesCharge": "2376.64",
          "sitDest1stDayCharge": "784.56",
          "sitDestAddnlDayCharge": "33.04",
          "sitDestDlvOutUnder50milesCharge": "2376.64",
          "originThirtyDayCharge": "4371.92",
          "originSixtyDayCharge": "5463.92",
          "originNinetyDayCharge": "6555.92",
          "exsPackagingCharge": null,
          "exsMonthlyStorageCharge": null,
          "exsWarehouseCharge": null,
          "exsTotal1MonthCharge": null,
          "exsTotal6MonthCharge": null,
          "exsTotal12MonthCharge": null,
          "exsDeliveryWithin50Miles": null,
          "exsDeliveryHandlingOut": null,
          "exsDeliveryOver50Miles": null,
          "exsDiscountApplied": null,
          "rateEffectiveDate": "2020-01-01T05:00:00.000+0000",
          "rateExpiryDate": "2020-04-30T04:00:00.000+0000"

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Request Payload for a HHG International Shipment:

      "agencyLocationCode": 1730,
      "vehicleClass":"Class 1",  
      "estimatedWeight": 10000,  

Response for a HHG International Shipment:

          "agencyLocationCode": 1730,
          "queryType": "HHG",
          "pickupDate": "2020-04-12T00:00:00.000+0000",
          "shipmentType": "General",
          "sroId": "GENRL",
          "containerizedShipments": false,
          "vehicleClass": "Class 1",
          "estimatedWeight": 10000,
          "originZip": "32714",
          "originProvince": null,
          "destinationZip": null,
          "destinationProvince": null,
          "originCountryCode": "US00",
          "destinationCountryCode": "1250",
          "miles": 0,
          "uabWeight": 150,
          "rateId": 14183679,
          "queryId": 4945,
          "rateType": "G",
          "scac": "SDHR",
          "zefflag": false,
          "companyName": "SUDDATH RELOCATION SERVICES, I",
          "telephone": "800-365-5463",
          "email": "",
          "socioEconomicInd": null,
          "tender": "GS05",
          "csi": "109.02",
          "vi": "115.6721",
          "surfacePercentage": 250,
          "surfaceCharge": "21392.50",
          "uabPercentage": 1600,
          "uabCharge": "1262.82",
          "vehicleCharge": "7000.00",
          "totalCharge": "29655.32",
          "sitRatePercentage": 120,
          "accrlRatePercentage": 100,
          "destThirtyDayCharge": "990.00",
          "destSixtyDayCharge": "1284.00",
          "destNinetyDayCharge": "1578.00",
          "sitOrigin1stDayCharge": "0.00",
          "sitOriginAddnlDayCharge": "0.00",
          "sitOriginDlvOutUnder50milesCharge": "1294.80",
          "sitDest1stDayCharge": "0.00",
          "sitDestAddnlDayCharge": "0.00",
          "sitDestDlvOutUnder50milesCharge": "360.00",
          "originThirtyDayCharge": "2390.40",
          "originSixtyDayCharge": "3002.40",
          "originNinetyDayCharge": "3614.40",
          "exsPackagingCharge": null,
          "exsMonthlyStorageCharge": null,
          "exsWarehouseCharge": null,
          "exsTotal1MonthCharge": null,
          "exsTotal6MonthCharge": null,
          "exsTotal12MonthCharge": null,
          "exsDeliveryWithin50Miles": null,
          "exsDeliveryHandlingOut": null,
          "exsDeliveryOver50Miles": null,
          "exsDiscountApplied": null,
          "rateEffectiveDate": "2020-01-01T05:00:00.000+0000",
          "rateExpiryDate": "2020-04-30T04:00:00.000+0000"

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Request Payload for a HHG Extended Storage Shipment:

      "agencyLocationCode": 1730,
      "shipmentType":"Extended Storage",  
      "estimatedWeight": 10000,

Response for a HHG Extended Storage Shipment:

          "agencyLocationCode": 1730,
          "queryType": "HHG",
          "pickupDate": "2020-04-12T00:00:00.000+0000",
          "shipmentType": "Extended Storage",
          "sroId": "EXSTG",
          "containerizedShipments": false,
          "vehicleClass": null,
          "estimatedWeight": 10000,
          "originZip": "32714",
          "originProvince": null,
          "destinationZip": null,
          "destinationProvince": null,
          "originCountryCode": "US00",
          "destinationCountryCode": "US00",
          "miles": 0,
          "uabWeight": null,
          "rateId": 12691288,
          "queryId": 4199,
          "rateType": "G",
          "scac": "SVLM",
          "zefflag": true,
          "companyName": "Stevens Moving & Storage, Inc.",
          "telephone": "800-955-5421",
          "email": "",
          "socioEconomicInd": "w,s",
          "tender": "SX01",
          "csi": null,
          "vi": null,
          "surfacePercentage": null,
          "surfaceCharge": null,
          "uabPercentage": null,
          "uabCharge": null,
          "vehicleCharge": null,
          "totalCharge": null,
          "sitRatePercentage": null,
          "accrlRatePercentage": null,
          "destThirtyDayCharge": null,
          "destSixtyDayCharge": null,
          "destNinetyDayCharge": null,
          "sitOrigin1stDayCharge": null,
          "sitOriginAddnlDayCharge": null,
          "sitOriginDlvOutUnder50milesCharge": null,
          "sitDest1stDayCharge": null,
          "sitDestAddnlDayCharge": null,
          "sitDestDlvOutUnder50milesCharge": null,
          "originThirtyDayCharge": null,
          "originSixtyDayCharge": null,
          "originNinetyDayCharge": null,
          "exsPackagingCharge": "4800.00",
          "exsMonthlyStorageCharge": "500.00",
          "exsWarehouseCharge": "600.00",
          "exsTotal1MonthCharge": "5900.00",
          "exsTotal6MonthCharge": "8400.00",
          "exsTotal12MonthCharge": "11400.00",
          "exsDeliveryWithin50Miles": "2800.00",
          "exsDeliveryHandlingOut": "400.00",
          "exsDeliveryOver50Miles": "4019.74",
          "exsDiscountApplied": 51,
          "rateEffectiveDate": "2020-01-01T05:00:00.000+0000",
          "rateExpiryDate": "2020-04-30T04:00:00.000+0000"

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Optional Endpoint:

API Method: GET

Description: This API can be used to lookup/search city name or Zip codes. Use the keyword cityName= to pass the query param.

API-KEY: API-KEY obtained for the primary endpoint can be used and must be passed as a HTTP header name x-api-key .

API Query Parameters:

This API must be used by including at least one of the following params

  • the City Name or a biginning letter of the city name or a few beginning letters of the City Name
  • Zip code or a beginning digit of a zip code or a few beginning digits of a Zip code

Expected Response

Response Object Description
uspsZipId TMSS 2.0 data ref ID
zipCode Zip Code
zipClassificationCode ZIP classification codes (P - PO Box, U - unclassified, “ “ - no classification)
cityName City Name
cityAbbrev City Abbrevation (if availabale)
stateAbbrev State Code
countyNo County Number
countyName County Name
createdDate Initial Data creation Date
updateProgram Update Program (internal use)
updateId For internal use
updateDate Date of last updation (internal use)
stateId For internal use

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Sample Request and Response for the optional endpoint:



    "uspsZipId": 4536,
    "zipCode": "03238",
    "zipClassificationCode": "P",
    "cityName": "GLENCLIFF",
    "cityAbbrev": "",
    "stateAbbrev": "NH",
    "countyNo": "009",
    "countyName": "GRAFTON",
    "createdDate": "2019-05-03T16:57:05.000+00:00",
    "updateProgram": "Manual Data Load Feb. 3 2024",
    "updateId": null,
    "updateDate": "2024-02-03T17:41:29.000+00:00",
    "stateId": null
    "uspsZipId": 4845,
    "zipCode": "03838",
    "zipClassificationCode": "",
    "cityName": "GLEN",
    "cityAbbrev": "",
    "stateAbbrev": "NH",
    "countyNo": "003",
    "countyName": "CARROLL",
    "createdDate": "2019-05-03T16:57:05.000+00:00",
    "updateProgram": "Manual Data Load Feb. 3 2024",
    "updateId": null,
    "updateDate": "2024-02-03T17:41:31.000+00:00",
    "stateId": null
} ...

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API Specification File

You can view the full details of this API in the API Specification file available here: TMSS.HHG.Rate.Query.API.specs.xlsx

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HTTP Response Codes

The API will return one of the following responses:

HTTP Response Code Description
200 Successful. Data will be returned in JSON format.
400 Bad request. Verify the query string parmaters that were provided.
403 API key is not correct or was not provided.
404 Not Found
408 Request Timeout
413 Payload too large
417 Expectation Failed
429 Too many requests
500 Internal Server Error
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout

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For further assistance and feedback, please contact:

Phone: 1-866-668-3472

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