
The Public Location Services API provides Location Services data (Country, State, City, and ZIP) and is to be used when validating location data that is being submitted to the SAM.gov ONLY. SAM.gov is not the authoritative source for location data and is agglomerating data from 3rd parties to operate the application. Location Public Services API used to support only United States. As part of GENC updates, currently Location Services State API supports Foreign Countries aswell.

Note: If valid search parameter (e.g. searchby=statecode) from the options listed in the description is not provided, all records will be returned

Getting Started

Get Location API can be accessed from Production or Alpha environments via the following urls:

  • Production: https://api.sam.gov
  • Alpha: https://api-alpha.sam.gov

Authentication and API Keys

User of this API must provide a System Account API key to use this Location Services API.

In order to use Public Location Services API, the following is required:

  • Valid SAM.gov Federal Government System Account API Key

Generating a System Account API Key

  • Users registered with a government email address and have appropriate System Account Manager or System Account Admin role may request a system account for data access.
  • If a user satisfies the above registration criteria they will be able to access the System Accounts widget from their Workspace page after logging in.
  • The user can then select “Request System Account” from the widget and fill out the required sections with appropriate Contract Opportunities permissions.
  • The requested system account will then need to be approved. After approval the user will be notified via email and they can also see the updated status in the System Account widget.
  • The user can select ‘Go to System Accounts’ in the widget from their workspace and enter a new system account password.
  • After setting up the password the user will see a new section for retrieving a system account API Key. The user must enter their password again to retrieve the key.

Public Location Services API Request and Responses

Look Up Cities

Request Type GET
URL /locationservices/v1/cities
Summary Get list of cities
Consumes Request Parameters
Produces JSON

Request Parameters

Parameter Name Parameter Type Data Type Required Description
api_key query string Yes Valid System Account API Key
cc query string No Enter the 3-digit Country Code to retrieve the cities within that Country

United States: USA
searchby query string No Enter the search parameter to search city information:
- statecode
- statename
searchvalue query string No (Yes if searchby is provided) Enter the searchvalue for searchby parameter

statecode: VA
statename: Virginia
q query string No Enter the City Name you want to retrieve information for. Note q also serves as general search
active query string No The active indicator specifies whether the city is active or inactive. Type “Y” for a list of active city names. Type “N” for a list of inactive city names
citycode query string No Enter the city code


HTTP Status Code Response Type Reason Description
200 string List of Opportunities JSON
Response Element Response Type Description
cityCode string City Code
city string City Name
state JSON Array  
state.statecode string State Code
state.state string State Name
country JSON Array  
country.country string Country Name
country.code2 string Country Code 2
country.code string Country Code
href URL Link to the response

Note: Limit 1000 entries

Example: Look up cities in Alabama

https://api.sam.gov/locationservices/v1/cities?api_key=[Enter System Account Api Key]&searchby=statecode&searchvalue=AL


    "_embedded": {
        "cityList": [
                "cityCode": "75960",
                "city": "Thomasville",
                "state": {
                    "stateCode": "AL",
                    "state": "Alabama",
                    "country": {
                        "country": "UNITED STATES",
                        "countryCode2": "US",
                        "countrycode": "USA"
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""

Look Up Countries

Request Type GET
URL /locationservices/v1/countries
Summary Get list of countries
Consumes Request Parameters
Produces JSON

Request Parameters

Parameter Name Parameter Type Data Type Required Description
api_key query string Yes Valid System Account API Key
searchby query string No Enter the parameter to search the country information:
- countryname
- iso3 ( which is mapped to GENC code)
q query string No (Yes if searchby is provided) Enter the value of the parameter you typed for searchby

countryname: United States
iso2: US
iso3: USA

If searchby is provided, q must have exact spelling to return valid results (ex. United States). If the searchby field is left blank, q would operate general search (ex. United)
active query string No The active indicator specifies whether the city is active or inactive. Type “Y” for a list of active city names. Type “N” for a list of inactive city names


HTTP Status Code Response Type Reason Description
200 string List of Opportunities JSON
Response Element Response Type Description
country string Country Name
countryFullName string Full Name of Country
countryCode2 string Country Code 2
countrycode string Country Code
href URL Link to the response  

Example: Look up countries that start with “South”

https://api.sam.gov/locationservices/v1/countries?api_key=[Enter System Account Api Key]&searchby=country&q=south


    "_embedded": {
        "countryList": [
                "country": "KOREA, SOUTH",
                "countryFullName": "Republic of Korea",
                "countryCode2": "KR",
                "countrycode": "KOR",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""

Look Up States

Request Type GET
URL /locationservices/v1/states
Summary Get list of states
Consumes Request Parameters
Produces JSON

Request Parameters

Parameter Name Parameter Type Data Type Required Description
api_key query string Yes Valid System Account API Key
cc query string No Enter the 3-digit Country Code to retrieve the States within that Country

United States: USA
searchby query string No Enter the search parameter to search the state information:
- statecode
- statename
- statetype
q query string No (Yes if searchby is provided) Enter the value of the parameter for searchby

statename: Virginia
statecode: VA
statetype: State (state types: State, Capital, Military, Minor Outlying Islands, Associated State, and Territory)

You can input multiple values for the parameter by separating the values by a comma (for example: if searchby is statetype, q could be Military, Capital. This would return the Military and Capital states). If the searchby field is left blank, q would operate as general search
active query string No The active indicator specifies whether the state is active or inactive. Type “Y” for a list of active state names. Type “N” for a list of inactive state names


HTTP Status Code Response Type Reason Description
200 string List of States JSON
Response Element Response Type Description
statecode string State Code
state string State
stateType string State Type
country JSON Array  
country.country string Country Name
country.countryFullName string Full Name of Country
country.countryCode2 string Country Code 2
countrycode string Country Code
href URL Link to the response  

Example 1 : Look up state of Virginia

https://api.sam.gov/locationservices/v1/states?api_key=[Enter System Account Api Key]&searchby=state&q=VA


       "_embedded": {
        "stateList": [
                "stateCode": "VA",
                "state": "Virginia",
                "stateType": "State",
                "country": {
                    "country": "UNITED STATES",
                    "countryFullName": "United States of America",
                    "countryCode2": "US",
                    "countrycode": "USA"
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""

Example 2 : Look up subdivision , ‘Andaman and Nicobar Islands’ of Foriegn Country

https://api.sam.gov/locationservices/v1/states?api_key=[Enter System Account Api Key]&searchby=state&q=AN


       "_embedded": {
        "stateList": [
                "stateId" : 22933,
                "stateCode": "AN",
                "state": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands",
                "stateType": "union territory",
                "country": {
                  "countryId": 118,
                  "country": "INDIA",
                  "countryFullName": "Republic of India",
                  "activeInd": "Y",
                  "countryCode2": "IN",
                  "countryNumber": 356,
                  "activeStartDate": "2023-03-26",
                  "countrySource": "GENC",
                  "countryShortName": "India",
                  "dodQualifyingCountry": " ",
                  "countrycode": "IND"
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""

Validate Zip Code

Request Type GET
URL /locationservices/v1/zip
Summary Validate Zip Code
Consumes Request Parameters
Produces JSON

Request Parameters

Parameter Name Parameter Type Data Type Required Description
api_key query string Yes Valid System Account API Key
zip query string Yes Enter the zip or zip plus 4 code
citycode query string No Enter the city code
countycode query string No Enter the county code
statecode query string No Enter the state code


HTTP Status Code Response Type Reason Description
200 string List of Opportunities JSON
Response Element Response Type Description
zipCode string Zip Code
description string Status of Zip (Valid or Invalid)

Example: Look up whether 36310 is a valid zip

https://api.sam.gov/locationservices/v1/zip?api_key=[Enter System Account Api Key]&zip=36310


       "zipCode": "36310"
       "description": "Valid Zip"

OpenAPI Specification

You can view the full details of this API in the OpenAPI Specification file available here: OpenAPI File

Look Up Cities

        - locationservices
      summary: 'API to get a list of cities'
      operationId: getlocationserviceslookupcities
        - application/json
        - application/json
          name: api_key
          in: query
          description: api_key
          required: true
          type: string
          name: cc
          in: query
          description: cc
          required: false
          type: string
          name: searchby
          in: query
          description: searchby
          required: false
          type: string
          name: searchvalue
          in: query
          description: searchvalue
          required: false
          type: string
          name: q
          in: query
          description: q
          required: false
          type: string
          name: active
          in: query
          description: active
          required: false
          type: string
          name: citycode
          in: query
          description: city code
          required: false
          type: string
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
          description: 'Not Found'

Look Up Countries

        - locationservices
      summary: 'API to get a list of countries'
      operationId: getlocationserviceslookupcountries
        - application/json
        - application/json
          name: api_key
          in: query
          description: api_key
          required: true
          type: string
          name: searchby
          in: query
          description: searchby
          required: false
          type: string
          name: q
          in: query
          description: q
          required: false
          type: string
          name: active
          in: query
          description: active
          required: false
          type: string
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
          description: 'Not Found'

Look Up States

        - locationservices
      summary: 'API to get a list of states/provinces/subdivisons for both USA and Foreign countries'
      operationId: getlocationserviceslookupstates
        - application/json
        - application/json
          name: api_key
          in: query
          description: api_key
          required: true
          type: string
          name: cc
          in: query
          description: cc
          required: false
          type: string
          name: searchby
          in: query
          description: searchby
          required: false
          type: string
          name: q
          in: query
          description: q
          required: false
          type: string
          name: active
          in: query
          description: active
          required: false
          type: string
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
          description: 'Not Found'

Validate Zip Code

        - locationservices
      summary: 'API to validate zip codes'
      operationId: getlocationservicesvalidatezip
        - application/json
        - application/json
          name: api_key
          in: query
          description: api_key
          required: true
          type: string
          name: zip
          in: query
          description: zip
          required: true
          type: string
          name: citycode
          in: query
          description: city code
          required: false
          type: string
          name: countycode
          in: query
          description: county code
          required: false
          type: string
          name: statecode
          in: query
          description: statecode
          required: false
          type: string
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
          description: 'Not Found'

HTTP Response Codes

200 - Success

401 – Unauthorized

403 – Forbidden

404 – Not Found


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Change Log

Date Version Description
4/21/2020 v1.0 Base Version
5/11/2020 v1.1 OpenAPI Specification File Added
9/8/2020 v1.2 Updated Formatting
4/20/2023 v1.3 Updated Country and State API details to include GENC updates

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