
The analytics data recorded provide a window into how people are interacting with the government online. The data come from a unified Google Analytics account for U.S. federal government agencies known as the Digital Analytics Program (DAP). This program helps government agencies understand how people find, access, and use government services online. The program does not track individuals and anonymizes the IP addresses of visitors.

A subset of the DAP analytics data reports are available via the DAP API. These reports may be limited to a specific domain or agency to support a wide range of user needs. Report data are limited to sites which have a minimum of 50 visits in the report period. Data may be subject to sampling and should not be relied upon for 100% accuracy. This data should be used to examine high-level trends and provide general insights into user demographics and behavior.

The URL for the API is https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap, and it exposes 3 routes to query DAP analytics data:

  • /v<version number>/reports/<report name>/data
  • /v<version number>/agencies/<agency name>/reports/<report name>/data
  • /v<version number>/domain/<domain>/reports/<report name>/data

Quick Links:

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Getting started

To begin using this API, you will need to register for an API Key. See the Authentication section for details.

Common use cases

Below are a few examples of API calls and their use cases. For the example calls below we’ll use the curl library and a placeholder API key 1234.

Find data for a date range

To limit a call to a certain time frame, use the before and after query params

# Get 7 days of site data
curl --header "x-api-key: 1234" https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/v2/reports/site/data?after=2024-06-01&before=2024-06-07

Find data for a particular domain name

To limit results to a certain domain, use the /domain/my.domain.com path

# Get top 10 downloads for ssa.gov
curl --header "x-api-key: 1234" https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/v2/domain/www.ssa.gov/reports/download/data?limit=10

Find data for a particular agency

To limit results to a certain agency, use the /agencies/some-agency path

# Get traffic source data for the Department of State
curl --header "x-api-key: 1234" https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/v2/agencies/state/reports/traffic-source/data


You can sign up for an API key below. After registration, you will need to provide this API key in the x-api-key HTTP header with every API request.

Loading signup form...
HTTP Header Name Description
x-api-key API key from api.data.gov. For sample purposes, you can use DEMO_KEY as an API key.

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There are 3 supported endpoints in the API. All endpoints are read-only, and accessed with HTTP GET requests. All endpoints are preceded by an API version

Endpoint quick links:

API versions

DAP API V1 returns data from Google Analytics V3, also known as Universal Analytics (UA). DAP API V1 data includes data recorded in UA by DAP from January 1st 2018 to Google’s retirement date for UA (June 24 2024).

Google has retired UA and new data may only be recorded in their new version, Google Analytics V4 (GA4).

DAP API V2 returns data recorded in GA4 by DAP beginning on DAP’s launch date for GA4 recording code, August 1st 2023 to the present.

The GA4 data returned has some slightly different fields which are described in Migrating from API V1 to API V2.

Valid API versions are 1.1 and 2. API version should be included in the path for all endpoints like the following examples

# API V1

# API V2


This route returns data at a government wide scope. Report metrics will be totals combining metrics for participating hostnames in all DAP agencies. See available reports for a list of all supported report names. The report_agency field in the response data will be empty string or undefined in these reports because they apply to all DAP agencies.

Path structure

Replace <report name> with the API name of the desired report.

/reports/<report name>/data


# Get 30 days of government wide user language demographics data
curl --header "x-api-key: 1234" https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/v2/reports/language/data?after=2024-06-01&before=2024-06-30


This route returns data at an agency scope. Report metrics will be totals combining participating hostnames belonging to the requested agency. See available agencies for a list of agencies which participate in the DAP program and their API agency name. See available reports for a list of all supported report names.

Path structure

Replace <agency name> with the API name of the agency. Replace <report name> with the API name of the desired report.

/agencies/<agency name>/reports/<report name>/data


# Get 30 days of user operating system demographics data for the Department of
# Defense
curl --header "x-api-key: 1234" https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/v2/agencies/defense/reports/os/data?after=2024-06-01&before=2024-06-30


This route returns data at a domain scope. Report metrics will be totals for the requested domain. The domain route supports only the site, domain, download, and second-level-domain report names.

Path structure

Replace <domain> with the desired domain for the report. Replace <report name> with the API name of the desired report.

/domain/<domain>/reports/<report name>/data


# Get 30 days of visit data for www.ssa.gov
curl --header "x-api-key: 1234" https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/v2/domain/www.ssa.gov/reports/site/data?after=2024-06-01&before=2024-06-30

Query params

The following query params are supported by all endpoints:

  • limit: Limit the number of data points that are rendered. The default is 1000 and the max is 10,000
  • page: Pages through the results. If the limit is set to 1000, using page=2 will render the 1001st through 2000th data point. Defaults to page 1.
  • after: Limit the results to data with dates on or after the date specified. Expects YYYY-MM-DD date format.
  • before: Limit the results to data with dates on or before the date specified. Expects YYYY-MM-DD date format. Defaults to the current date.

Response structure

All endpoints follow the same response structure. The response represents the rows in the data array in the JSON reports that can be downloaded from analytics.usa.gov, or the rows in the CSV files that can be downloaded. They are returned as an array of JSON objects.

Here is an example of one such object:

  "id": 60716,
  "report_name": "today",
  "report_agency": "justice",
  "date": "2017-04-07T14:00:00.000Z",
  "visits": "4240",
  "created_at": "2017-04-07T04:23:55.792Z",
  "updated_at": "2017-04-07T04:23:55.792Z"

Note that is has the following properties:

  • id: The primary key of the data point entry in the DAP API database.
  • report_name: The name of the data point’s report
  • report_agency: The name of the data point’s agency. This will be empty or undefined when the data point is at the government wide scope
  • date: The date/time corresponding to the data in the data point
  • visits: The requested visit data for the data point. This is shown as an example of possible data fields that will be included as siblings to the required properties above. Properties such as visits, browser, screen size, and so on, can be included depending on the report. See analytics definitions for more details on dimensions and metrics.

HTTP response codes

The API will return one of the following responses:

HTTP Response Code Description
200 Successful. Data will be returned in JSON format.
400 Bad request. Verify the query string parmaters that were provided.
403 API key is not correct or was not provided.
4XX Additional 400-level are caused by some type of error in the information submitted.

OpenAPI specification file

You can view the full details of this API in the OpenAPI Specification file available here: Open API specification file for the Digital Analytics Program API

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Available reports

The following reports can be queried using the API:

API report name description example /reports API call
download The count of download events for each downloaded file (example)
traffic-source The count of visitors for each traffic source (example)
device-model The count of visitors for each device model (example)
domain The count of visitors for each domain (example)
site The count of visitors for each hostname (example)
second-level-domain The count of visitors to participating second-level-domains (example)
language The count of visitors for each browser language code (example)
os-browser The count of visitors broken down by browser and operating system (example)
windows-browser The count of visitors broken down by Windows versions and browser (example)
browser The count of visitors for each browser (example)
windows-ie The count of visitors broken down by Windows version and Internet Explorer versions (this report is only in API version 1.1) (example)
os The count of visitors for each operating system (example)
windows The count of visitors for each Windows version (example)
ie The count of users for each Internet Explorer version (this report is only in API version 1.1) (example)
device The count of users for each device type (desktop/mobile/tablet) (example)

Available agencies

The following agencies can be queried using the API:

agency API agency name example /agencies API call
Agency for International Development agency-international-development (example)
American Battle Monuments Commission american-battle-monuments-commission (example)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission commodity-futures-trading-commission (example)
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau consumer-financial-protection-bureau (example)
Consumer Product Safety Commission consumer-product-safety-commission (example)
Corporation for National and Community Service corporation-national-community-service (example)
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board defense-nuclear-facilities-safety-board (example)
Denali Commission denali-commission (example)
Department of Agriculture agriculture (example)
Department of Commerce commerce (example)
Department of Defense defense (example)
Department of Education education (example)
Department of Energy energy (example)
Department of Health and Human Services health-human-services (example)
Department of Homeland Security homeland-security (example)
Department of Housing and Urban Development housing-urban-development (example)
Department of the Interior interior (example)
Department of Justice justice (example)
Department of Labor labor (example)
Department of State state (example)
Department of Transportation transportation (example)
Department of the Treasury treasury (example)
Department of Veterans Affairs veterans-affairs (example)
Environmental Protection Agency environmental-protection-agency (example)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission equal-employment-opportunity-commission (example)
Executive Office of the President executive-office-president (example)
Farm Credit Administration farm-credit-administration (example)
Federal Bureau of Investigation federal-bureau-investigation (example)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation federal-deposit-insurance-corporation (example)
Federal Election Commission federal-election-commission (example)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission federal-energy-regulatory-commission (example)
Federal Housing Finance Agency federal-housing-finance-agency (example)
Federal Maritime Commission federal-maritime-commission (example)
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission federal-mine-safety-health-review-commission (example)
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board federal-retirement-thrift-investment-board (example)
Federal Trade Commission federal-trade-commission (example)
General Services Administration general-services-administration (example)
Inter-American Foundation inter-american-foundation (example)
International Development Finance Corporation international-development-finance-corporation (example)
Merit Systems Protection Board merit-systems-protection-board (example)
Millennium Challenge Corporation millennium-challenge-corporation (example)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration national-aeronautics-space-administration (example)
National Archives and Records Administration national-archives-records-administration (example)
National Capital Planning Commission national-capital-planning-commission (example)
National Council on Disability national-council-disability (example)
National Credit Union Administration national-credit-union-administration (example)
National Education Association national-education-association (example)
National Endowment For The Humanities national-endowment-humanities (example)
National Labor Relations Board national-labor-relations-board (example)
National Mediation Board national-mediation-board (example)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration national-oceanic-atmospheric-administration (example)
National Park Service national-park-service (example)
National Reconnaissance Office national-reconnaissance-office (example)
National Science Foundation national-science-foundation (example)
National Transportation Safety Board national-transportation-safety-board (example)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission nuclear-regulatory-commission (example)
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board nuclear-waste-technical-review-board (example)
Office of the Director of National Intelligence office-director-national-intelligence (example)
Office of Government Ethics office-government-ethics (example)
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation office-navajo-hopi-indian-relocation (example)
Office of Personnel Management office-personnel-management (example)
Peace Corps peace-corps (example)
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation pension-benefit-guaranty-corporation (example)
Postal Regulatory Commission postal-regulatory-commission (example)
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board privacy-civil-liberties-oversight-board (example)
Public Buildings Reform Board public-buildings-reform-board (example)
Securities and Exchange Commission securities-exchange-commission (example)
Small Business Adminstration small-business-administration (example)
Social Security Administration social-security-administration (example)
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction special-inspector-general-afghanistan-restoration (example)
Surface Transportation Board surface-transportation-board (example)
Tennessee Valley Authority tennessee-valley-authority (example)
Udall Foundation udall-foundation (example)
U.S. Access Board access-board (example)
U.S. Agency for Global Media agency-global-media (example)
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights commission-civil-rights (example)
U.S. Courts us-courts (example)
U.S. International Trade Commission international-trade-commission (example)
U.S. Postal Inspection Service postal-inspection-service (example)
U.S. Postal Service postal-service (example)
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board railroad-retirement-board (example)
U.S. Trade and Development Agency trade-development-agency (example)

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Migrating from API V1 to API V2


As described in API versions, API V1 returns data from Google Analytics version 3, and DAP API V2 returns data from Google Analytics version 4.

The GA4 data returned has some slightly different fields which are described below.


The DAP API endpoints are the same between V1 and V2, the only difference for API requests is the API version string.


Response data is slightly different in DAP API V2. This change is due to the data provided by Google Analytics. Some data fields were retired in GA4, and some other useful data fields were added. The changes follow:

Deprecated fields from V1

  • browser_version
  • has_social_referral
  • exits
  • exit_page

New fields in V2


The page path of a downloaded file.


The ISO639 language setting of the user’s device. e.g. ‘en-us’


An enum which describes the session. Possible values:

‘Direct’, ‘Organic Search’, ‘Paid Social’, ‘Organic Social’, ‘Email’, ‘Affiliates’, ‘Referral’, ‘Paid Search’, ‘Video’, and ‘Display’

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To suggest a feature or ask for help, please file an issue in our project repository.

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