
api.data.gov is a free API management service for federal agencies. This API offers access to high level metrics for the APIs that are using the shared service.

This API is used to power the api.data.gov metrics page.

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Getting Started

To begin using this API, you will need to register for an API Key. You can sign up for an API key below. After registration, you will need to provide this API key in the x-api-key HTTP header with every API request.

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HTTP Header Name Description
x-api-key API key from api.data.gov. For sample purposes, you can use DEMO_KEY as an API key.

API Description

This API has one primary endpoints:

Endpoint 1: https://api.gsa.gov/operations/api-data-gov/v0/analytics/summary.json

Expected Result


Name Description
total_hits Number of API hits processed by the api.data.gov system over all time
total_users Number of API keys that accessed APIs through the api.data.gov system over all time

Hits by Month

Name Description
year Year in which the results took place
month Month in which the results took place
count Number of API hits processed by the api.data.gov system in that month and year

Production APIs

Name Description
api_backend_count Year in which the results took place
organization_count Month in which the results took place
api_backend_url_match_count Number of API hits processed by the api.data.gov system in that month and year

OpenAPI Specification File

You can view the full details of this API in the OpenAPI Specification file available here: Open API specification file for the api.data.gov metrics API

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